The most common disease found now days is Gastric Problem. It’s found in all age groups due to changing lifestyle , food habits , Office work , use of excess insecticides and pesticides in crops and unwanted Injections to Dairy animals and our Body make are it’s prime reason.

The root cause of all diseases is Indigestion. Due to chemical based agriculture all that we eat is rather poison or slow poison. to increase or to keep Crops safe Farmers use oil based insecticides and pesticides because they are economical and their one time use is sufficient these types of insecticides stick with the crops and even after proper rinsing cannot wash  their remains in our vegetables. These poisonous vegetables intake is every one’s compulsion.

This medicine is for starting Gastritis  symptoms in which our stomach gets irritated sometimes with mild pain , feels inflated , feels occupied etc. .

Dyspepsia which is a series of stomach discomfort in which the person feels pain in the upper abdomen , generally after intake of food in liquid or solid form , even after less eating patient feels that his stomach is full.

Bloating in which patient feels stomach is too tight to resist full of gasses and sounds like full when checked with hands .

It’s also a good herbal antacid which has no side effects and can be consumed for a long time which prevent all these symptoms to occur and one can live life happily.

This unique medicine contains a rich composition and a blend of three Churana Ajmodadi , Avipattikar and Panchskar Churana alongwith Mukta Shukti Pisthi and have Bhawan of Ajmoda and Sanay  which found to be the best for all indigestion  symptoms and act as Tridev Shakti to fight with indigestion.

Ajmodadi is an anti-spasmodic churana which fight against spasm and relaxes the stomach muscles.

Avipattikar Churana fights against acidity and act as an Antacid gives instant relief from acidity and is very safe for long term use.

Panchskar Churana work is to flush out the unwanted gasses and unwanted garbage from the stomach and intestines giving fast relief from all types of indigestion problem.

Accompanied with Mukta Shukti Pisthi in a good quantity reduces the excess heat of the stomach giving instant relief in burning sensation.

Along with this we have Bhawana of Ajmoda and Sanay 250 mg each in 500 mg Capsule to make it more precise and small physically and strong in nature which means these substances are present in our composition in a hidden manner.

A unique medicine with a great composition to heal all types of indigestion passed with 3 step Quality Control. 

Manufacturing unit which has GMP, ISO 9001:2015 and FSSAI certifications with good quality airtight packing HDPE bottle which keep medicine safe from moisture etc. 

Mrp 294/- for 30 Capsule 

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