In Ayurveda good digestion is considered the key of good health. If our digestion is good we can take the maximum benefit of food we eat because the body extracts energy from whatever we eat it nourishes the whole body with this energy.
Due to changing lifestyle and taking excessive fast food , carbonated water, beverages our body has to work hard to digest it sometimes when the body is not in a state to digest it. Indigestion problems occurs and we are in an discomfort zone with lots of gastric problems. This herbal medicine is designed to overcome these types of problems instantly.
This Medicine is prescribed in Hyperacidity a state in which our stomach produce excess strong acids and enzymes than needed to make chyme. It is also prescribed in stomach pain , Nausea is a state when you are about to Vomit because in it everything in the stomach moves in upward direction towards esophagus due to food poisoning, viral infections or some persons can face this problem while travelling or at altitudes .
It is the best remedy to stop Heart burn ,Vomiting and Gallblader attack which results in severe abdomen pain.
This is the beauty of herbal Ayurvedic Medicine that each medicine can cure multiple diseases and it can be used alone or by setting a yog of different medicines into one for speed recovery and we have more than 500 solo medicines that can be mixed with another to give unexpected results. The selection of the right choice of medicine from these 500 composition depends on the Experience of our Ayurvedic Practitioners .
To increase the power of Ayurvedic Medicines we mix Swarn Bhasma which is derived from 24 carats Gold in Classical preparations to enhance their effectiveness. A rich composition of Swarn Sut Shekhar Ras and Kamdudha Ras is present in this medicine to control hyper acidity and hyper indigestion problems.
All three Chrana and Mukta Shukti Pishti along with Mulethi in Extract form enhances the power of medicine without any side effects.
And above all we have give Bhavna to this Medicine of 500 mg which is present in 500 mg Capsule in invisible form for further results.
All our products are result oriented and the center idea is to give the best quality medicines at affordable prices that too with utmost good air-tight seal pack to keep humidity safe and maintain freshness of the herbs we use high quality raw materials.
The Maximum Retail Price of this Product is just Rs. 591/- for 30 unique capsules.