We are organizing Free Medical Check Up Camp in Akaltara which is a tehsil of Janjgir Champa District at Manish Medical , Shastri Chowk , Akaltara and which is approx.40 kms away from Bilaspur, having both Train & Bus Connectivity. We are doing Free Medical Check Up Camps from April 2024 every 15 days on 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month.

Patients from a radius of about 50 kms and more and local patients come for treatment having different types of diseases, the most common disease in Chhattisgarh is Vat Rog. The main profession of the public is Agriculture and Chhattisgarh is also known as “Dhan Ka Katora” with specialities in agriculture of Rice. It’s Crop requirement is water all the agriculture field is filled with water during agriculture period, agriculture labour use to stand or bend down for a very long time for cultivation this is the reason of Vat Rog Pradhan diseases, many of them also faces skin problem.

Our Mission is to serve Humanity we do these types of Medical Camps as and when needed or by a call from local NGO’s, Centre of Influence Persons, Politicians, Social Networks etc., Our panel of Doctor’s give their valuable services in these camps and the Medicines provided in it are also given at discounted price.

The joy and love we get by serving Humanity is unspeakable and we have no words to explain the tremendous joy we feel when patient in large number comes to these Camps and feel even more better when they overcome their diseases and give their valuable feed back in the next camp.

If you know some locality in which this type of Free medical Camp can be arranged kindly write to us because your one mail can give better life to someone in need. We don’t charge a penny for this service. Almighty God is giving us the strength, courage, belief, wisdom to serve the humanity by giving them medical aids.

All Branded medicines are used in these camps which are result oriented, cost effective and easily available at every Ayurvedic retail counters. A part of the day of camp we provide the patient with Contact Number of Consulting Doctor so that they can call him for any consultation as and if required.