Infertility is one of the greatest concern now days, due to unhealthy food intake and lifestyle changes, late marriages, exposed internet content, obesity, unwanted medication, self-medication can be one of the causes of Infertility. Sometimes it’s seen that exposure to excess warm and heat environments are also causes of this problem. Some patients also undergo this problem who remain stand in the same exposure may also suffer this condition.
The Temperature of the testis is generally less than body temperature by 1-2 degree, which is responsible for the growth of sperms, mobility, active motile. Sometimes bathing with excess hot water can be the reason of low sperm count. The main cause of infertility is mental state of the patient.
Female suffers with problem of irregular mensuration cycle, excessive bleeding or very less bleeding during mensuration cycle, white water discharge, leukorrhea, obesity , pcod ,pcos ,cyst in ovary or uterus fallopian tube either blocked from both side or one side , low egg or immature eggs.
Ayurved beauty is that the same medicine can be given to both Male & Female in infertility. Ayurved Efficiency & Effectiveness in Sexual and Liver Problems is outstanding.
Sometimes even after long time medication for years patients can’t overcome this problem are advised to undergo IVF procedures which is very expensive and the Injects to female disturb their Hormones and some patient suffer from many side effects. Semen and Eggs of other healthy persons are used due to which the child genetically doesn’t belong to the patients and DNA doesn’t match in most of the cases. IVF are a curse for female because eggs are extracted from their body and the natural process is done on test tubes while doing this procedure female often faces hormonal changes in their body some faces covers with beard and their health is compromised to a maximum extent.
To cure all these symptoms our Upcoming Product will be the best choice because it’s cost will be in fractions of IVF cost and only one Medicine will cure all types of infertility.
Presenting FERTIVETA Capsule to cure Infertility problem soon.